Insthinktive Influencing
You need to Add Value to the Sale
Value is the buzz word but it is the crux of everything when it comes to pricing. The best example today and we?l admit one used often is Apple. As you read this I am typing on an Apple Mac. I have an Apple IPhone at my side and my IPad is in my case. All products that typify the way value has been brought to the fore.
Everyone of these products has equivalents, that are signi?cantly cheaper. My MacBook Pro is up to 4 times the cost of other equivalent laptops. And yet I bought it, love it and would recommend it to anyone? Why? For me it’s simply down the the perceived value I get, and the ease of use. It is simply a thing of beauty. And it is so easy to use and the value of this for me is immense.
While the PC market is in rapid decline. IPads, and Macs are ?ying off the shelfs. Value creation is the key.
You could package your products together and offer signi?cant value. Hotels are experts at this. By offering weekend deals, with free meals etc., they are able to maintain their pricing points and deliver extra value. You can maintain pro?t margins very effectively in this way.
If you sell a professional service, you can add additional services as part of the package as a bonus.
For example if you are an accountant you could provide a free helpline for any client queries. You could provide FREE reports on business and ?nance. You could offer FREE advice to clients.
If you are an equipment provider you can offer FREE additional support for breakdowns etc.
Ultimately it’s about positioning the product and service as a high value must have.
How to handle pricing ?rewalls
We hear this a lot from business owners. ?f we were able to overcome the pricing objections we? have more sales?
Is this really the case though? Honestly. Is it because of the prospect, the market or is it really down to a fear around the who pricing conversation.
Recently in a coaching session with a client we talked about pricing and the effect it was having on his business.
He remarked that he and his team believed it to be a bigger issue than it actually was. Why? He had hired two new sales people over the last year, both from his competitors.
The first sales meeting was an eye opener?he existing salesforce were saying We always thought you were cheaper than us, and that’s how we lost the business?
The new members of the team (former competitors) were saying We always thought you were cheaper than us too?.
The penny dropped. Pricing was not the challenge. Competitor knowledge was the challenge.
You can overcome pricing ?rewalls ( not always I do live in the real world)and here’s some tips.
Work On Your Team’s Pricing Mindset
Con?dence is everything in a pricing conversation. If you or your team have a fear around pricing you?l never truly overcome these ?rewalls.
A great example of this was one I experienced recently in one of the largest retailers in Ireland. I was buying a new leather presenter folder for my materials. When I presented the folder to the sales person they said ?re you sure you want this? it is 129??And their expression said everything. They were so price conscious themselves that they were almost turning away a sale.
You need to build a confidence around your pricing structure. You need to build the team’s confidence and their mindset to handle pricing with ease.
Simple, but not easy…..
Next session; Focus on the Why

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