Insthinktive Influencing
Networking On The Phone
Telephone marketing is a phenomenally powerful marketing tool. It is a much maligned strategy but that in our opinion is driven by a lack of understanding about how, and when to use this tool.
A telephone call is the most immediate strategy we know for getting through to prospects.
It is a lot more personal than a letter or an advert. It is also a much lower cost than direct mail, ?yers, marketing brochures and advertising.
You can literally get an unlimited calls package with your mobile phone company for less than 50 per month. That’s the most cost effective marketing strategy I know for the results you can get.
You?l also know that using the phone in conjunction with a direct mail is the smartest way to leverage the strengths of both. And we strongly encourage that you have a simple system of follow up on the phone, post direct mails being posted. Leave a week to follow up and then call.
Removing The Negatives
OK let’s get the negatives out of the way. Yes using the phone isn? among the easiest of strategies. It requires a level of determination and a positive attitude to overcome the inevitable rejections. That is if you see them as rejections. Don?.
From a mindset perspective you must focus on the end results. Let’s take a quick look here at the potential.
Let’s assume that you need to make 100 calls to generate an order. Now we work with clients whose average order values in the main exceed 1,000. What’s your average order value? Let’s use the average of 1,000.
So for every 100 calls you generate 1,000 in sales revenue.
Assuming the average call takes you roughly 3 minutes. Remember you probably will only connect with on average 30% of those you call. And the actual conversations will vary in length but as an average 3 minutes is workable.
300 minutes is 5 hours of concentrated work. Now you are a business owner or a full time sales person and you work at least 50 hours per week.
So based on these rough numbers if you made 1,000 calls it would take you 50 hours in time, and generate you 10,000 in new sales in a working week.
That’s working on a 1% conversion rate of sales to calls. That’s a 500,000 business annually.
Where would you get that sort of result for 50 hours of your time a week?
Clearly you aren’t going to be on the phone 10 hours a day but you can leverage others to be. Personally we wouldn? recommend any more than 3 to 4 hours a day as an average.
It’s tough work, but very rewarding.
Your goal will always to be to improve your conversion rates, by improving your scripts, your approaches, your words, and your direct mails. You will test and measure consistently to improve your results.
Repetition is the key
One call is never enough. You must apply my ?ollow UP?strategy to increase the number of touches you?l need over time. Some will buy now. Others need time to build our trust and hence the follow up.
Simple, but not easy…..
Next session;You Need Your Script, but You Aren? A Parrot

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