Give feedback continuously. Regular coaching delivered in real-time will beat intermittent coaching hands down, every time. So, don't wait for your quarterly or annual reviews. The best time is NOW. Here is an approach I hope you find useful.

Before I outline some suggestions on how to give feedback to your sales team. I want to focus on when. And it is straightforward. Give feedback continuously. Regular coaching delivered in real-time will beat intermittent coaching hands down, every time.
So, don’t wait for your quarterly or annual reviews. The best time is NOW.

Here is an approach I hope you find useful. And I have attached a visual of an assessment tool below (if you want a hard copy just email me, or use the comments box to request it)

Giving feedback in 6 Steps

Before your feedback session here are 6 steps to plan for;
1) Check your intention. Ask yourself these questions.
What is my intention?
Is it unbiased?
What do I want to achieve from this conversation?

2) Ask permission
There is something I need to discuss with you. It will take about 15 minutes, do you have the time?

3) Share your intention
“I have noticed something I want to discuss”
“I sharing this because I ….”
“ I want to work out a solution to”

4) Describe what you have seen, heard, observed
I noticed that
I heard
When you acted that way
When you said that
When you do that
I feel that
Note; all of the above relate to a specific behaviour or event. Keep these “fact-based”.

5) Describe potential impact of behaviour
In simple terms explain how their behaviour is impacting you, the team, their performance.

6) Assess the response
Are they open to coaching? Coach them on new approaches.
Are they closed to coaching? – State expectations and agree next steps

Sample assessment tool for a sales call/presentation. You can view it here. 

Presentation Assessment

Key Takeaways

Give feedback on a regular basis. Use the 6-Step process to ensure the best possible outcomes. Create some simple assessment forms for all areas of the Sales Process. Use these to baseline sales person performance. 

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