Let's start by saying that saying it is "Your Sales Process" is an oxymoron. Why? Because you don't own the process. You shouldn't design a process for you. Who do you design it for then I hear you ask? Your buyer. You must build your processes around how your buyers buy. Here is how.

Let’s start by saying that saying it is “Your Sales Process” is an oxymoron. Why? Because you don’t own the process. You shouldn’t design a process for you. Who do you design it for then I hear you ask?
Your buyer. You must build your processes around how your buyers buy.
Here is how.
PROCURES is a simple model that enables you to think differently. Critically I want you to think about how buyers buy. There are multiple phases of the buying process. And you should strive to build your touchpoints around each stage of PROCURES.

PROCURES in detail

Problem Definition
The buying process always starts with a problem. In this phase, your potential clients are experiencing a challenge. They see a need. Or, they see a potential opportunity that they want to explore.

Your Actions
Write down the questions that your buyer will be asking at this stage.
What content do you need to produce to answer those questions?
What is your Value Proposition to engage them at this stage?

Research Solutions
Next, your buyer will begin to research potential solutions. Often they leverage their networks both internal and external. They undertake some market research.

Your Actions
Write down the types of research they will leverage.
Who will they contact? What will they read? What conferences might they attend? What whitepapers might they read? What blogs will they read?
How will they find you?

Onboard potential partners
At this stage, they will reach out and engage with potential partners. Remember they have already been through the Problem Definition and Research phases. So, they may be as much as 60% through their decision-making process at this point.
You may be asked to conduct a presentation or demonstration.

Your Actions
When they reach out to you how will you respond?
What content will you use?
What demos will you leverage?
If they issue a PPQ (pre-qualifier), what is your process for completing these?

Clarify Preferences
At this stage, you have been through the “beauty parade” phase. Your prospects will narrow the field of view. An ITT (invitation to tender may be issued at this stage).

IMPORTANT NOTE. At you are being invited in at this stage, but have had no prior engagement. You are seriously disadvantaged. You have not had the opportunity to engage with the clients. You have not had the opportunity to influence the agenda. It is the main reason why I see so many tenders lost. We got involved too late in the buying cycle.

Your Actions
What is your “win strategy” and process for writing tenders?
Who forms the team?
How many people on your team need to be involved?
How much time should you allocate to winning this tender or sales deal?

Understand the IMPACT
As the client progresses further through their buying process, they become more focused on IMPACT. What difference will you make to their business? They become more analytical and sceptical.

Your Actions
How do you ensure they have the right content to enable them to see the IMPACT you can deliver for them?
What content do you need (case studies, customer stories, guides and whitepapers, videos and referrals)

ROI Analysis
Now your buyers will dig into the detail behind your IMPACT claims. Larger organisations may have an internal committee that analyses return on investment. Many have minimum ROI requirements.

Your Actions
What tools do you have to help you build the internal business case for your buyers?
How do you help them calculate the ROI they can achieve?
Who do you need to educate and nurture at this stage?

Engage And Entrust
At this stage, the buyer is ready to engage you. But, you may have to complete a BAFO (best and final offer).
It may now involve their legal department.
You may have to complete a new supplier agreement.

Your Actions
Who is the best person on your team to navigate this critical phase?
How do you ensure the commercials work for you?
Who do you need to nurture in the organisation?

Satisfaction And Evaluation
All buyers have doubts after they have made their buying decisions. Many organisations have formal evaluation reviews that ensure the original goals of the project are met. Many don’t. You must ensure you develop a regular evaluation regime.

Your Actions
How will you measure customer satisfaction?
When will you measure customer satisfaction?
How will you engage and nurture to ensure you deliver excellent results?
When do you hold formal evaluations with clients?
How will you measure ongoing ROI?
How will you demonstrate to the client that you are delivering ongoing ROI?

The power of PROCURES
If you take your time and analyse each step in the PROCURES model, you will begin to gain insights that lead to the creation of a world-class Sales Process. A Sales Process that is fit for purpose. A Sales Process that is designed to generate More Sales. More Consistently. In Less Time.

Key Takeaways

Once you have answered all of the above questions. Draw your Sales Process on a whiteboard or screen. Now using post-its add each step you need to take in order to progress through PROCURES. 

Your job is map how you make it easy for your buyers to progress easily through each phase. If you remove roadblocks for buyers, you will see sales cycles speed up. Guaranteed. 

Regards Ronan

Call me on +353(86) 7732201

Ronan Kilroy | Insthinktive Sales Leadership Ltd. | Blanchardstown, | Dublin 15, | Office 01 8220523


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